Neogenomics Laboratories

NeoGenomics News

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March 12, 2025


Detecting CLDN18.2 can identify a previously undefined patient population

Claudin18.2 is a NEW actionable target for patients with advanced or metastatic Gastric/GEJ Adenocarcinoma. Approximately 70% of advanced G/GEJ cancers express CLDN18.2 at any amount.1 Of advanced G/GEJ cancers that express CLDN18.2, 38% express moderate to high levels that indicate eligibility for targeted therapy.2,3

Develop personalized treatment plans for gastric/GEJ cancer patients by identifying those who may benefit from targeted therapies. To learn about CLDN18.2 testing, please visit our website.

1. Pellino A, Brignola S, Riello E, et al. Association of CLDN18 protein expression with clinicopathological features and prognosis in advanced gastric and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinomas. J Pers Med (Epub) 10-26-2021.
2. Shitara K, Lordick F, Bang YJ, et al. Lancet 2023 Apr 14:S0140-6736(23)00620-7.
3. Xu RH, Shitara K, Ajani JA, et al. #405736. Presented at: March American Society of Clinical Oncology Plenary Series; March 22, 2023.


Visit us at the USCAP 114th Annual Meeting – Booth #234

We're looking forward to the USCAP 114th Annual Meeting, where we'll be showcasing our precision oncology solutions. Our comprehensive test menu includes the latest evidence-based options to support pathologists in every stage of patient care.

As the premier provider of precision oncology tests, NeoGenomics continues to lead the way with our hematological and solid tumor solutions with tests that support diagnostic evaluation, prognosis, therapy selection, and clinical trial options.

Our featured solutions include:

  • NEO | Compass & NEO | Compass Select
  • NEO | Comprehensive® - Heme Cancers
  • NEO | Comprehensive® - Solid Tumor
  • NEO | Early-stage NSCLC Panel
  • NEO | DNA & RNA - Lung
  • NEO | InVisionFirst® - Lung

We can't wait to share how our precision testing solutions are advancing the cancer care continuum. To schedule a meeting with us, visit our webpage.



As of March 10th, the following FISH panels have been updated to better align with current guidelines, including WHO 2022 5th Edition Classification, and to facilitate more effective disease management for AML and MDS. These updates are applicable to new cases accessioned on and after March 10. In-flight cases that are accessioned prior to March 10 are not impacted.

AML Standard FISH Panel – Updates to the panel include:

  • Removal of the following probes:
    • 5q-, -5 (5p15, 5q31, 5q33)
    • 7q-, -7 (Cen 7, 7q22, 7q31)
    • Trisomy 8 (Cen 8)
    • 20q- (20q12, 20qter)
  • Addition of the following probe:
    • RPN1, MECOM (3q21, 3q26.2)
  • Addition of an optional reflex (available with Global cases only):
    • Reflex to 5q-, -5 (5p15, 5q31, 5q33) | 7q-, -7 (Cen 7, 7q22, 7q31) | DEK/NUP214 (CAN) t(6;9) | p53 (17p13.1)/NF1 (17q11) | NUP98 (11p15) when the main panel is negative.

New panel configuration:

  • Main panel: MLL (11q23) | RUNX1/RUNX1T1 (ETO/AML1) t(8;21) | PML/RARA t(15;17) | CBFB inv(16), t(16;16) | RPN1, MECOM (3q21, 3q26.2)
  • Optional Reflex panel: 5q-, -5 (5p15, 5q31, 5q33) | 7q-, -7 (Cen 7, 7q22, 7q31) | DEK/NUP214 (CAN) t(6;9) | p53 (17p13.1)/NF1 (17q11) | NUP98 (11p15) when the main panel is negative.
  • Reflex results are reported separately as AML Standard Reflex Panel.
  • CPT Codes*: 88374x5 automated. If reflex is added, add 88374x5.

MDS Standard FISH Panel – Updates to the panel include:

  • Removal of the following probe:
    • MLL (11q23)
  • Addition of the following probes:
    • p53 (17p13.1)/NF1 (17q11)
    • RPN1, MECOM (3q21, 3q26.2)
  • Addition of an optional reflex (available with Global cases only):
    • Reflex to ETV6 (12p13) | MLL (11q23) | +19 (19p13.2, 19q13) when the main panel is negative.

New panel configuration:

  • Main panel: 5q-, -5 (5p15, 5q31, 5q33) | 7q-, -7 (Cen 7, 7q22, 7q31) | Trisomy 8 (Cen 8) | 20q- (20q12, 20qter) | p53 (17p13.1)/NF1 (17q11) | RPN1, MECOM (3q21, 3q26.2) Note: +8 and 20q- are combined.
  • Optional Reflex panel: ETV6 (12p13) | MLL (11q23) | +19 (19p13.2, 19q13) when the main panel is negative.
  • Reflex results are reported separately as MDS Standard Reflex Panel.
  • CPT Codes*: 88374x5 automated. If reflex is added, add 88374x3.

The FISH Signal Guide has been updated and is available for download from NeoLINK under Documentation. Heme requisition forms have also been updated and downloadable on Neo website.

*The CPT codes provided with our test descriptions are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. Correct CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed.

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